Should I get a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident?

February 21, 2023

Should I get a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident? Post Image

If you have been in a car accident you should always consider hiring a lawyer. If you hire a lawyer for a minor car accident you would be doing yourself a favor. There is no requirement as far as how “major” your car accident needs to be in order to get a car accident lawyer involved. No matter how big or small your car accident is, consider hiring a lawyer, like the ones at B|B Law Group, to help with your case.

Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident

Consider this scenario: While you were leaving work to head home after a long day, the unexpected happens. A driver hits your car as you’re pulling out of the parking lot. You think to yourself, what do I do next? Should I simply exchange insurance information? Do I need a car accident lawyer?

Depending on how the car accident happened the damage is done. The damage to your vehicle and even possibly your injuries could be worse than you immediately through. It might be in your best interest to hire a lawyer for even a minor accident.

Qualifications and Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Car accident lawyers can be beneficial in many ways. Especially if you find a car accident lawyer, like the ones at B|B Law Group, that are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in car accidents, both minor and major.

  • Lawyers help collect evidence for your car accident. This includes but is not limited to, witness statements, police reports, medical records, etc.
  • Your lawyer will help manage all communications on your behalf, this includes communications with the insurance companies.
  • Liability can be hard to determine. With the held of a car accident lawyer they will help determine liability.
  • Calculate damages and compensations claims for your car accident.
  • Negotiate the best possible settlement on your behalf.
  • Have your best interest in mind. You will truly have someone looking out for you.

Car Accident Insurance Companies

Insurance companies will lead you to believe they have your best interest at heart. This is not the truth. They will look for any potential slip up of something you said to deny your claim. Even if they do offer a settlement, Insurance companies are trained to give you the lowest possible settlement for your damages. The truth is, hiring a lawyer typically results in maximizing your recovery.

Injuries May Be Worse Than You Think

Emergency rooms all over the country will see more than 2.3 million people per year because of car accident related injuries. Typically, even after a minor car accident, you may feel an adrenaline rush and immediately think you are not injured. But, injuries can present themselves days or even weeks later. Minor car accident injuries can result in chronic pain that may even require long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

Common Injuries From Minor Car Accidents

As mentioned above, it is not un common to receive injuries from car accident. Even if they are minor. Some common injuries you may see from car accidents are the following.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries are when there is damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Car accidents, even low-speed ones, generate a lot of force. The vehicle coming to a sudden stop can jerk the neck back and forth in a forceful manner. Typically this is what causes Whiplash. Whiplash would be defined as a soft issue injury. Other soft tissue injuries to look out for are

  • Neck swelling and stiffness
  • Neck pain with movement
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Tingling or numbness in arms
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue

Head Injuries

If you are in a minor car accident you may have hit your head on the steering wheel or on the back of the seat. Even if you barely noticed this, you may have suffered a concussion. Concussions can be severe, although the symptoms may not show up right away. Some symptoms of a concussion are

  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry Vision
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness or Fatigue

When to See a Doctor After a Minor Car Accident

After a minor car accident it is not uncommon to suffer from soft tissue injuries or head injuries. Either may require doctor visits, medications, or hospital stays.

Medical expenses following a car accident can add up quickly. That is why it is essential to seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you think you were not injured. Additionally, a doctor can document your injuries as soon as possible after the accident so you can hold the at-fault driver responsible with an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

Have you recently been involved or injured in a car accident? Even if it was a minor car accident, it is important to contact a Los Angeles car accident lawyer today. Our car accident lawyers at B|B Law Group are experienced in car accidents both minor and major. We can help you get the compensation you deserve.

B|B Law Group – Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyers

At B|B Law Group, our goal is simple: preserve and protect the legal rights of the people of Southern California. Our award winning team of attorneys are experienced in the fields of personal injuryemployment and habitability law, and it is our mission to provide our clients with the best legal representation.

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If your case isn’t successful, you have our guarantee that you won’t have to pay for anything. No hidden fees, costs, or conditions — that’s our promise.

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